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Senior Students

Wing Chun Style - Levels


There are no universally accepted levels of kung fu competence, including any levels defined within any one system taught between different Schools. The Australasian Wing Chun Kung Fu Organisation has adopted an 8 level system that incorporates the teaching of the different Wing Chun versions of Foshan, Hong Kong.


In recent years, the requirements for each level have increased and the order in the varying Wing Chun versions are taught has also changed. The following list of senior students (i.e., Level 6, Full Black sash or above) represent the current senior students training at the school.


Senior Students


Like many reputable martial arts schools, past students often proclaim being a senior student of a particular Master. The following lists denote the current practicing Senior Students of the school.


No student is permitted to establish their own school unless they have reached the level of Si-Fu and seek the permission of Si-Buk Micheal of Si-Buk Arlin. The School takes seriously any individual that falsely claims the reputation, right or authority of a senior student of the school.


Students that train in the Australasian Wing Chun Kung Fu school are not permitted to train outside the school in any other disciplines during their time in the school.

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